30.01.2020 | News
Do you collaborate or plan to work with Russian cities, institutions, organisations or regions in 2020?
The new call for proposals for the Nordic-Russian Programme for Environment and Climate Co-operation (PECC-2) is now launched. Apply through the application system by 27 February. Begin by registering to the application system here.
Grant financing can be awarded to partnerships between Nordic non-commercial institutions, organisations or authorities on regional and municipal levels, and their corresponding qualified partners located in Northwest Russia.
This open call for proposals will focus on projects building networks, disseminating information, improving capacity, and investing in equipment, technology and infrastructure within the fields of renewable energy sources, energy savings, improved energy-efficiency, cleaner production and sustainable consumption, sustainable city and land-use planning and protection of nature.
The purpose of the PECC programme is to contribute directly to create an improved status of the environment and climate in Northwest Russia and indirectly lead to improvements in the Nordic and Baltic countries and the whole Barents Region by financially supporting the implementation of relevant co-operation projects at the regional and local levels in Northwest Russia.
The programme is financed jointly by the Nordic Council of Ministers (NCM) and the Barents Hot Spots Facility (BHSF) and managed by NEFCO.
Register to the application system and submit your application through the system by 27 February
Read more about the PECC programme and how to apply
Download a brochure about the PECC programme