Waste management co-operation between Peru and the Nordic countries

Recycling plant in Surco, Peru. Photo: GreenStream

A proposal for a Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Action (NAMA), a set of climate policies, in the solid waste sector was presented at the twentieth session of the conference of the parties from the United Nations framework convention on climate change (COP20).

Since 2011, NEFCO has been working together with Ministry of Environment (MINAM) on the establishment of a programme in a sector which is experiencing rapid growth in greenhouse gas emissions, not least of all as a result of planned investments in waste management infrastructure and services.

The programme is a joint initiative between MINAM , NEFCO and the Nordic countries, through the Nordic Partnership Initiative (NPI). The NAMA programme was presented at the COP20 in Lima at the Peruvian pavilion as well as at the side event organised by Nordic Council of Ministers together with MINAM, German development organisation GIZ and Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of Vietnam (MONRE).

The Peruvian event entitled Progress in the implementation of NAMAs in Energy, Solid Waste, Transport and Industry Sectors in Latin America was organised by the Ministry of Environment. It sought to set out the experiences and lessons learned that have been presented for development of NAMAs in the countries of Latin America, inlcuding the NPI solid waste programme, which was presented by Juan Narciso, Director General of Environmental Quality at MINAM.

The event outlined how in a post-2020 climate regime, NAMAs can also serve as an instrument for the implementation of international support commitments; as logical building blocks for domestic action plans, low emission development strategies, and targets. According to MINAM, the NAMA is a convenient vehicle for concrete climate action, international financial resources and technical assistance, and can be a basis for international reporting and/or articulation of commitments.

A second event was organised by the Nordic Council of Ministers, together with partners from Peru, Vietnam and the German development organisation GIZ. The aim of the side event Practical Insights on Designing, Implementing and Financing NAMAs was to contribute to the international debate on NAMA development when it comes to designing, implementing and financing NAMAs. Practical insights from on-going NAMA activities in Peru and Vietnam was also presented as well as NAMA financing options from national and international sources.

The pilot activity commenced its technical phase in mid 2013 and will conclude in June 2015. The project is now at the stage of presenting a NAMA proposal based on a full set of options in the solid waste sector that can optimize both the reduction of GHGs from the sector and the achievement of Peru’s environmental, health, sustainable development, and social policy goals for the sector. The NAMA will seek to advance Peru’s goals to minimize waste going to landfills and increase the reuse and recycling of waste as well as providing other co-benefits. It is anticipated that there will be follow up actions in 2015, before an implementation phase programme supporting investments in the solid waste sector can begin. The technical work is undertaken by a consortium headed by NIRAS, and the Center for Clean Air Policy (CCAP).

Learn more about the Nordic Partnership Initiative

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