Twelve project proposals selected for contract negotiations under the Nordic Climate Facility

Solar powered irrigation enables farmers to produce food during dry periods. Photo: Robert Freling

Altogether 96 pre-qualification proposals were submitted by Nordic organisations, with their partner organisations in developing countries, in response to the fourth call for proposals under the heading “Inclusive green growth projects contributing to private sector development”.

24 proponents were invited to present the final proposal, and finally 12 proposals were selected for further contract negotiations.

The evaluation team, consisting of Nordic climate experts and representatives of the African Development Bank and an African NGO, had a challenging task to select the most innovative projects responsive to this call’s theme among several high quality proposals. The final outcome of the Fourth Call will be announced later this year.

The Nordic Climate Facility, which is funded by the Nordic Development Fund (NDF) and administered by the Nordic Environment Finance Corporation (NEFCO), provides grants with co-financing requirements for innovative climate related projects in low-income countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America. The focus of this call was particularly in Africa and on inclusive green growth.

Read more about Nordic Climate Facility

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