09.09.2013 | News
The Nordic Partnership Initiative on Up-scaled Mitigation Action (NPI) solid waste programme in Peru has been formally launched in Lima. The NPI is an initiative between the Nordic Countries and the Ministry of Environment (MINAM), to establish a pilot Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Action (NAMA). NEFCO is the implementing agency for the programme in Peru.
The two year NPI programme in Peru will focus on exploring possibilities to lower CO2- emissions in the solid waste sector. It will look at the capacity of existing waste management options for decreasing emissions as well as relevant technical, financial and other barriers to more sustainable use. It will also address the possibility to increase private sector engagement and establishing a financeable NAMA programme. The budget for the current phase of the programme in Peru is set at EUR 1.4 million financed by NEFCO and also with bilateral funds from the Nordic governments.
The launch was held at the Pontificial Catholic University of Peru, and was followed by a stakeholder workshop. The workshop is first of eight such events held across the Andean country.
“There was a high level of interest and participation from the stakeholders present, which bodes well for the two year programme which follows”, said Vice President Ash Sharma, who oversees the initiative on behalf of NEFCO. Key note speeches were made by Vice Minister of MINAM and Mr Sharma.
The programme is carried out by an international consortium of consultants which includes NIRAS (Denmark), Perspectives (Germany), ECO, Miranda and Amado Abogados and the Pontificial Catholic University (all of Peru) and the Center for Clean Air Policy (USA).
The aim of the NPI is to demonstrate in practice how international climate finance can be matched with up-scaled host country mitigation action through two programmes in Peru and Vietnam. It will explore paths to new partnerships between the developed and the developing world to bring down CO2-emissions. The Nordic Partnership Initiative seeks to build host countries’ capacity to evaluate, structure and implement Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMAs), which make use of international finance and possible new market mechanisms.
Learn more about the Nordic Partnership Initiative
Read more about the pilot project in Peru in Spanish