29.10.2014 | News
The Nordic Ministers for Foreign Affairs have at the Nordic Council session in Stockholm decided to provide further assistance and support to energy efficiency measures in Ukraine.
The support will be channelled through a new funding programme named Nordic energy efficiency and humanitarian support initiative. The assistance will be provided through NEFCO with focus on refurbishment and reconstruction of municipal buildings in the affected or vulnerable areas of Eastern and Southern Ukraine. Emphasis will be made on social infrastructure, such as schools, day care centres and health centers.
“We want to do something together in regard to the situation in Ukraine and we will use NEFCO to allocate these resources”, says Børge Brende, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Norway.
An effective tool to increase energy efficiency within the district heating system in general is to address energy efficiency in buildings. Funding of EUR 2.8 million will be available for the initiative this year with further allocations in 2015. NEFCO will start mapping of relevant municipalities, their specific needs, capacity to specify technical requirements and the possibility to follow up projects as the next phase of the initiative.
Read the press release here
Learn more about the Nordic council’s session