New funding for energy efficiency in eastern Ukraine

School children in eastern Ukraine will benefit from the energy efficiency investments. Photo: Patrik Rastenberger

NEFCO has signed five new grant agreements aimed at financing energy efficiency measures in the cities of Pavlograd, Lozova, Berdiansk, Severodonetsk and Kramatorsk in eastern Ukraine. The funding is provided from the Nordic energy efficiency and humanitarian support initiative (NIU).

“It’s encouraging to see that concrete projects within this financial window are already being rolled out and implemented in eastern Ukraine. Ordinary people residing in the area will benefit from these investments,” says NEFCO’s Senior Investment Manager, Amund Beitnes.

The Nordic energy efficiency and humanitarian support initiative was established in October last year in conjunction with the Nordic Council’s session in Stockholm. The initiative is funded by the Nordic countries and administered by NEFCO. The assistance from this fund is provided primarily for the refurbishment and reconstruction of municipal buildings in the war-torn, vulnerable areas of eastern and southern Ukraine. Emphasis is placed on social infrastructure, such as schools, day care centres and health centres.

The Nordic energy efficiency and humanitarian support initiative currently has funds to a total value of EUR 7.6 million. Further allocations to the fund will be made during the autumn. The initiative has so far allocated funding for ten projects in eastern Ukraine. Apart from the signed agreements mentioned above, energy efficiency measures will be implemented in the cities of Izium, Chuhuiv, Kupyansk and Dniprodzerzhynsk in the near future.

Learn more about the Nordic energy efficiency and humanitarian support initiative
Learn more about the International Support for Ukraine conference
Contact our office in Kiev for further enquiries
Learn more about Finland’s recent contribution to NIU

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