New Call for Proposals for the Nordic Climate Facility

The NCF has, among other things, financed solar powered drip-irrigation in Benin. Photo: Robert Freling

The Nordic Development Fund has decided to launch a fourth Call for Proposals for the Nordic Climate Facility (NCF). The launch is expected to take place in December this year. The theme of the call will be ‘Inclusive green growth projects contributing to private sector development’. Preference will be given to projects in Sub-Saharan Africa.

This year, the pre-qualification proposals shall be submitted through an on-line based application platform. More information on the requirements and guidelines for applying for funds will be available on NEFCO’s and NDF’s web sites from the beginning of December 2013.

The NCF promotes the transfer of technology, know-how and innovative ideas between the Nordic countries and low-income countries facing climate change. The aim is to increase low-income countries’ abilities to mitigate and adapt to climate change; to contribute to sustainable development; and to alleviate poverty.

The Nordic Climate Facility is financed by the Nordic Development Fund (NDF) and administered by NEFCO. The financing scheme has until now financed 40 projects and allocated over EUR 18 million for climate projects in low-income countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America.

Learn more about the NCF

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