03.03.2011 | News

The Nordic Environment Finance Corporation’s (NEFCO) financial accounts for 2010 show positive environmental outcomes. In particular climate investments undertaken by the corporation achieved encouraging ecological results.
On the whole, direct and indirect reductions of carbon dioxide emissions in the projects financed by NEFCO in 2010 amounted to some 3 million tonnes, a figure corresponding to the amount of carbon dioxide emitted by 6.2 million persons travelling by airplane from Helsinki to New York.
All in all, 62 new projects were approved and administered by NEFCO in 2010, a year in which the corporation also celebrated its 20th anniversary. During the period NEFCO signed project agreements worth EUR 72.7 million. Most of these projects involved renewable energy, installation of energy efficiency technologies, and the modernization of existing wastewater treatment plants.
NEFCO’s financial accounts for 2010 show a EUR 458,000 surplus after reserving EUR 1.9 million for the Nordic Environment Development Fund, which finances cleaner production technologies and energy saving projects in Eastern Europe.
”We are delighted by the fact that we have managed to increase the number of projects and broaden our scope of activities with the help of new loan facilities, which were established last year. This clearly shows that there is a considerable demand for the financial services provided by NEFCO, says NEFCO’s Managing Director, Magnus Rystedt.
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