NEFCO signs Memorandum of Understanding with Republic of Peru

The pilot project in Peru aims at mitigating climate emissions in the solid waste sector. Photo: Corbis/SKOY

NEFCO has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Peruvian Ministry of Environment to cover technical cooperation in the area of scaled up mitigation under the Nordic Partnership Initiative.

The MoU seeks to strengthen Peru’s ability to prepare, propose and implement a full-scale scheme of NAMAs (Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions) with the aim to lower CO2-emissions. These NAMAs will be established within the solid waste management sector in the Andean country. The programme in Peru will address gaps in data availability and quality, build technical and institutional capacity and address legal, technical and financial barriers in the solid waste sector.

The solid waste sector is an important and growing source of greenhouse gases in Peru. The country faces many challenges in financing and implementing sustainable waste disposal solutions.

“We are extremely pleased to work with the Ministry of Environment of Peru to implement this challenging and pioneering assignment, which will have an important demonstration effect in the Latin American region”, says Vice President Ash Sharma who leads the initiative from NEFCO’s side.

The programme will be implemented by the Ministry of Environment in Lima in cooperation with NEFCO and the Nordic Working Group for Global Climate Negotiations (NOAK) under the Nordic Council of Ministers. The next steps will be to procure a long term consultancy assignment to support the objectives of the Partnership.

The Nordic Partnership Initiative is a joint effort of the Nordic countries and NEFCO to utilise the long standing experience of the countries with climate change mitigation. The Initiative is also active in Viet Nam, where NEFCO’s role is as part of the Steering Committee of the programme, implemented by the Ministry of Construction in the cement manufacturing industry.

Learn more about NAMAs

Learn more about the Nordic Partnership Initiative

Read more about NEFCO’s Carbon Finance and Funds

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