NEFCO provides loan for investments in energy efficiency in Zhytomyr

Blocks of flats in Zhytomyr, Ukraine. Photo: Patrik Rastenberger

NEFCO and the city of Zhytomyr have today signed a loan agreement worth EUR 3 million aimed at implementing energy efficiency measures in 19 municipally-owned buildings, such as schools, day care centres and departments belonging to the Central City Hospital.

In practice, the project will mainly focus at installation of individual heat substations, thermal insulation of roofs and facades as well as replacement of old windows with new energy efficient ones.

The project is co-financed by grant funds provided by the Eastern Europe Energy Efficiency and Environment Partnership (E5P) and the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) in addition to the city’s own funds. The technical assistance necessary for the project preparation and implementation was provided by the Swedish government. The project is also supported by the German development organisation GIZ. The overall budget for the investment is EUR 4.7 million and NEFCO is the implementing agency for the project.

By implementing this project, the city of Zhytomyr will be able to reduce gas consumption in the buildings concerned by some 1.5 million cubic metres annually. This means that around 13,300 megawatt hours less heat has to be produced per year as a result of the investment. The environmental payoffs will also be substantial, with an annual reduction of CO2 emissions by some 2,700 tonnes.

Read our press release in English, Ukrainian or Russian

Watch a collection of photographs from the signing event in Kiev

Watch our video about a previous NEFCO investment in Zhytomyr

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