17.06.2016 | News

NEFCO and the Belarusian company FLLC BelDan have signed a loan agreement aimed at establishing new pig farms in Tolochin and Slonim in western Belarus. The farms will have full line production with breeding cycles ranging from sows to finishers.
NEFCO will provide a loan of EUR 5 million from its Investment Fund for developing sustainable procedures and systems for the management of pig manure and slurry at the farms in question. The other financiers of the project are the Belarusian Development Bank, Belagrprombank, and the Danish Export Credit Agency EKF.
The investment will benefit the environment by minimising evaporation of ammonium and by reducing discharges of phosphorus and nitrogen into the neighbouring Myshanka river, which is part of the Baltic Sea catchment area. On top of this, the project aims at installing energy-efficient LED lights and ventilation systems.
“We have solid experience from co-financing a range of different projects related to the pig meat industry. The project illustrates well why it pays to invest in the best available technology. The client will save money and valuable resources by investing in sustainable manure management systems,” said Senior Investment Manager Bo Nyhus at NEFCO.
NEFCO has financed environmental projects in Belarus since 2007. A framework agreement between NEFCO and the Republic of Belarus entered into force in August last year. The Belarusian loans currently account for 4.4 per cent of funds disbursed by NEFCO’s two main financial instruments, namely the Investment Fund and the Nordic Environment Development fund.