Danosha and NEFCO sign loan agreement for biogas production

Axzon A/S produces some 650,000 pigs per year

The Ukrainian agricultural company, Danosha Ltd, and NEFCO have signed a loan agreement to finance the production of biogas from pig farms in the Kalush region of Western Ukraine.

Danosha Ltd. is owned by the Danish company, Axzon A/S, which farms 20, 000 hectares and produces 650,000 pigs a year.

Under the terms of the agreement, NEFCO will grant a loan of EUR 1.8 million for the construction of a biogas plant in Kopanki, which is expected to reduce carbon dioxide emissions by some 27,300 tonnes per year when the biogas reactor becomes operational. The 1 megawatt reactor will consume some 100,000 cubic metres of pig slurry annually.

The total investment cost for the project is EUR 4 million, and there are plans for similar facilities at three other Danosha-managed sites in Western Ukraine.

Learn more about NEFCO’s Investment Fund

Learn more about Danosha Ltd

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