Cost-effectiveness in pollution abatement

Signs of severe eutrophication. Toxic algal blooms in Korpo, Southwestern Finland. Photograph: Matti Snellman/NEFCO ©.

The most cost efficient way to address HELCOM’s Baltic Sea Action Plan would be to focus on wastewater treatment in St Petersburg and Kaliningrad and to incinerate the manure generated from the existing 17 large poultry farms in the Leningrad region in Russia. This was stated by NEFCO at the International World Water Week in Stockholm, Sweden.

“We need to prioritize and focus on the most cost efficient pollution abatement if we want to address HELCOM’s requirement to reduce the releases of phosphorus to the Baltic Sea by 15,000 tonnes annually. Harvesting the low hanging fruits first is the quickest way forward”, said Senior Manager Karl-Johan Lehtinen in Stockholm on Wednesday.

NEFCO chaired the workshop on “Cost-Effectiveness in Pollution Abatement” and participated in another workshop on wastewater treatment and climate change mitigation on Wednesday at the World Water Week.

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Stockholm International Water Institute

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